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Enrollment instructions for retirees

Retirees enrollment information

All about enrolling

When a FHFA employee retires, they can elect to continue dental coverage. You are required to complete the enrollment process 31 days prior and up to 60 days after retirement from the agency. Retirees can only enroll during the initial transition from active to retired and cannot choose to enroll later. 

Only the retiree's dependents who are enrolled in the dental program at the time of retirement are allowed to continue to have dental benefits. Retiree dependents need to meet the dependent qualifications while the FHFA employee is active or retired. Survivors are treated as new retirees for benefits and enrollment. 

Retirees who elect to continue dental coverage must pay their own monthly premiums through electronic funds transfer or recurring credit card payment. The monthly premium rates for retiree dental coverage are as shown:

Delta Dental PPO™
Single (retiree only) $39.77
Two Person (retiree and one dependent) $79.46
Family (retiree and two or more dependents) $148.43

Enrollment information

Retired FHFA employees are able to enroll in the FHFA Dental Insurance Program as a retiree through Delta Dental’s self-enrollment tool. At the time of enrolling in the program as a retiree, a premium payment will be required. You are required to pay one month of premium in advance of the effective date of your coverage as a retiree. Follow the system prompts to enroll and enter the payment information.

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