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Partnering with you to help create healthy smiles

Three principles for building a more sustainable practice

Because creating a clean environment for patients is essential to a successful dental practice, it can be difficult to emphasize sustainability at your own practice. After all, when you’re throwing out chair barriers, light handle covers, patient bibs and more every day, minimizing the waste generated by your office isn’t easy.

But not easy isn’t the same as impossible, and there are still ways you can build a more sustainable practice. A sustainable practice can not only help save the environment, it may also save you time and money. Here are three big principles to help guide you along the path.

Reduce paper waste

In the era of social media, smart phones and AI, finding ways to go digital isn’t just something your patients expect. It can also be good business. For example, using Delta Dental’s Provider Tools is a great way to do administrative tasks like looking up patients’ benefits and history online for free. Similarly, you could use an online patient portal software and have patients submit their information online instead of printing out forms for them to fill out. Opt for digital x-rays instead of traditional film ones.

You can also handle communications digitally. Give patients the option of mailing them physical reminders of upcoming appointments, or allow them to opt into being reached by phone, text or email.  

Save energy

Both purchasing energy-saving products and shopping efficiently can help save money and make your practice more environmentally friendly.

  • Ordering personal protective equipment and other disposable gear in bulk can cut down on the carbon emissions from shipping and delivery, even if you’re still throwing things out after use.
  • Installing energy efficient products, such as water-saving toilets, solar panels, LED light bulbs and insulated windows, can cut your utility bills while saving valuable resources and energy.
  • Investing in more energy-efficient systems, such as your practice’s HVAC systems, may make you eligible for rebates and tax breaks.
  • Making simple changes like installing motion sensors for lights and faucets or easily accessible power strips for appliances can be a great way to trim your bill by not leaving lights, water or electronics running when not in use.


Reduce, recycle, reuse

Making “reduce, recycle, reuse” the mantra for your practice can be a great way to help achieve your sustainability goals. Rather than just looking to buy recyclable products, you can buy products made from recyclable or biodegradable materials. For example, you could purchase glass irrigation syringes, compostable cups, printer paper and office furniture made from recycled or reclaimed materials. When it comes time to replace office equipment and computer parts, look for opportunities to donate them, or at least take them to an electronics recycling center. If you use single-use products like batteries and air filters, look into reusable ones.

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