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Worth of Mouth - The latest on business, wellness and more

Word of Mouth

The latest on business, wellness and more 

Introducing the updated Delta Dental Mobile App

Delta Dental has relaunched its free mobile application. The updated Delta Dental Mobile App is faster and more stable and offers useful features such as member ID cards, the Find a Dentist tool and a cost estimator. The new app is available for both iOS and Android devices.

The current app will be disabled after December 19, 2021. For a seamless user experience, Delta Dental members who have the app installed should first download the updated app from the App Store or Google Play and then remove the current app from their device.

Saved dentists and dependent information will be automatically transferred to the new app, and members can use their current username and password to access it.

The Delta Dental Mobile App uses the latest security technology to protect users’ personal health information. No personal health information is ever stored on your device. For more details on security, view our Privacy Policy in the app menu.

For questions about the app, or if you having trouble logging in, contact Delta Dental Plans Association.

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